May 16, 2011

What is Bright and Shiny

This BLOG!  Bright & Shiny is home to one of my best friends and some of our favorite bloggers.  The boys from B&S come up strong time & time again and are making moves in the scene.  To pay homage to them we here at CPB are taking the time to recognize the great accomplishment they have achieved in getting an interview with the famous French act, Yelle.

Buckle up, sit back, and embed yourself in the curiosity of the French.

For those of you not sure who Yelle may be, and are a little to shy to try a link from another page to find out, don't worry, we'll supply a teaser.  This little ditty even found its way into the Cannes Kids episode of HBO's Entourage.

Viva la Vince.

Always a friend,


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